Category Archives: the wedding

Blog Epic Fail!

Oh, I’m laid low in my shame about how poorly I’ve kept up with my blog.  It’s been nearly a month since my last posting and the whole idea of “making sure I write once a day” and “project 365 2010” have completely fallen off the rails.  It’s not that there isn’t good reason – getting married, several projects all moving forward and starting work on a new documentary – but I’m not a fan of excuses, I prefer results and the current result on this blog is failure.

So I started asking myself what I should do next?  Should I keep up Project 365 2010?  I have a bunch of pictures that are ready to be uploaded, but I’ve definitely missed many days and so it’s starting to feel like the project is actually getting in the way of itself.  It’s also gotten in the way of general blogging since I feel like I need to go back to catch up to what hasn’t been posted – but there are so many things happening RIGHT NOW that my brain has a really hard time focusing on things that happened last month when I really want to talk about things happening today.

So this is what I’ve decided to do – I’m going to post the last remaining pictures I have for Project 365 2010 right here – in this very blog – with no remarks or days and then the project will officially be over.  The blog will hopefully begin again as a daily thing since I’ll be able to mobile blog again without worrying about the pictures.  The end of 2010 is going to be CRAZY busy and there will still be a bunch of pictures, but I think it’s time to drop the whole “picture a day” deal.

Here are the pics!

 See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, fail, Frankie, making movies, project 365 2010, the wedding

Project 365 9-23-2010 The One Ring

Ever since the elopement I’ve been wearing a placeholder wedding band.  Over the last few months Rene had shown me a variety of different bands helping me to pick one out that I liked and for a long time none of them were “singing” to me.

I wanted to avoid typical precious metals.  I had one before and, with hindsight being 20/20, it really wasn’t worth it.  It got scratched up, it was expensive and when all was said and done the thing that it was best for was selling to cover a car payment.  This time I wanted a light weight, unique piece that both Rene and I liked that would be different but not outlandish.  This is what I picked:

It’s titanium with a stone inlay.  I REALLY like it and it costs a fraction of what a typical band would cost.  And you can’t scratch it.  And it I ever get caught in an Indian Jones-type situation where I need to hold open a stone door before it closes shut and seals us inside an ancient tomb this ring can do it!

I’m not going to wear it until the family ceremony in October, so the silver ring from the mall is going to get a bit more play.  Also it will make it that much better when I finally do get to put it on.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under project 365 2010, rene, the wedding

Project 365 8-30-2010 Dog Butt.

*NOTE: I know these are SUPER late!  Rene & I moved & it took forever for us to get internet up & running.  So between here and 9-13-2010 these entries are going to be brief.*

Last night while working on the invitations Karen’s dog, Lucy, had horrible gas.  I didn’t mention it because it’s gross and unnecessary but then I got this photo this morning shortly after I woke up:

Karen said that Lucy wanted to wish me a good morning.  I swear I could smell it through the picture.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under dogs, project 365 2010, the wedding

Project 365 8-29-2010 Invitations…

*NOTE: I know these are SUPER late!  Rene & I moved & it took forever for us to get internet up & running.  So between here and 9-13-2010 these entries are going to be brief.*
Well the big family wedding is coming up and we are getting the invitations out.  Rene’s Matron of Honor (MoH) made our invites and they are AWESOME!  Maybe I’ll post some pics of the finished ones later, but tonight you get to see a picture of Rene assembling one of them:
Yes, those are her boobs. 
See you tomorrow! 

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Filed under Frankie, project 365 2010, rene, the wedding

Project 365 8-28-2010 7k, Me & Rene.

*NOTE: I know these are SUPER late!  Rene & I moved & it took forever for us to get internet up & running.  So between here and 9-13-2010 these entries are going to be brief.*
Our friends in 7k play at a little bar called The Back Alley about once a month.  Since they will be playing at our wedding in October we wanted to get a chance to hear some of their new cover songs before the big event – as well as support them.  It’s been a while since Rene and I were at a bar and while it actually looked like this:
The whole night actually felt like this:
Seriously though 7k is great and you should hire them.
See you tomorrow! 

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Filed under 7k, project 365 2010, rene, the wedding

Project 365 8-25-2010 The Eyes of the State.

I have a little secret…

…Rene and I aren’t exactly legally married yet.


Yes, we went off and eloped but couldn’t schedule a time between us where we could both be at the county clerk’s office at the same time to pick up our marriage license.

It’s OK, we found the time and that time was today!

It was pretty neat.  Rene took some pictures of us outside the court house when we picked up our document and I just noticed before I started writing this that they give you a little pamphlet when you get your marriage license and it is a list of “healthy things to do before you get married.”

It started off simply enough: add folic acid to your diet, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, get annual physicals, etc.

Then the next page over was an illustration of the cycle of domestic abuse and how to avoid it.

The next page was a list of local clinics that will check you for STD’s and a strong recommendation to be tested for AIDS before being wed.

I feel like that little pamphlet of well intentioned ideas totally farted on my pancakes.

Still it couldn’t douse my excitement about getting married. 

Rene is awesome.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under paperwork, project 365 2010, rene, the wedding

Project 365 8-24-2010 Lack of Subject.

There were things happening today, but nothing that made a good picture.

I was up early – That’s not a good picture.

I did a HUGE amount of data entry – Not a good picture.

Rene and I completed the family ceremony guest list for the October ceremony – Not a good picture.

My nose bled – Not a good picture.

When you have a project where you require yourself to take a picture every day it sucks to have days like this where there isn’t anything cool to take a picture of.

So I took a picture of my parent’s dog, Pete, as he stared blankly at me:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, pets, project 365 2010, the wedding

Project 365 8-17-2010 Post Elopment!

Wow!  Great time eloping and a great day that followed!  Thanks again to Faulkner Winery for being such a great host!  The Food was great, the venue was great and the wine, of course, was a favorite!

Big ups to the South Coast Winery & Spa – we will be staying here again if for no other reason than this:

That’s their famous Bananas Foster Pancake.  It will make you squeal like a Twi-hard.

I’m completely exhausted so this is gonna’ be short.  Oh, and we brought home some wine:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under project 365 2010, rene, the wedding, wine

Project 365 8-16-2010 We Eloped!

Yep, you heard right!  We eloped!  It was an amazing day and we are so grateful that our friends and family could join us!

Enjoy these pics:

These are just the pics from Rene’s camera, there are about a zillion more from different cameras – not including from our photog!  I doubt that I’ll ever get around to posting those, but this is still a good representation of the day.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under family, friends, project 365 2010, the wedding

Project 365 8-15-2010 Prep!

Today was the prep day for tomorrow’s big day!

In addition to a LONG hunt for bubble guns, I also had to get all of my clothes ready!

There’s still too much to do so I’m cutting right to today’s picture:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under project 365 2010, the wedding