Category Archives: theater

Last Weekend to see me in Avenue Q!

Ave Q Logo

This weekend ends my run as Brian in Avenue Q at The Maverick Theater. There are four more performances:

For tickets dialĀ (714) 526-7070 or visit the Online Box Office.

It has been a lot of fun doing a musical again and getting to play with a very talented cast. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a real musical. The last thing I sang in was the Christmas show last year, but those were holiday standards. It’s easy to forget that Broadway musicals actually have some very complicated harmonies! Nothing makes you realize how out of shape your voice is then pushing out tenor notes you haven’t had to reach since you were in your twenties. I don’t know if I’ll be hired for any national tours any time soon, but it’s been great getting back into swing of things.

While we were rehearsing we shot a series of promo videos to help advertise, I’m sure you’ve seen the one of me if you follow my Twitter feed or are a friend/fan on Facebook. In case you haven’t, here are all of the promos in one spot!

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, puppets, shameless self promotion, theater, videos, YouTube

Project 365 9-28-2010 Multi-Task!

This is Multi-tasking:

  • Editing computer – Check!
  • Zombie Love script for memorization – Check!
  • Email open for movie stuff – Check!

What isn’t visible is my phone with all the IM’s and other email account.

This is why I’m not keeping up with my blogs.

See you tomorrow.

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Filed under business, making movies, project 365 2010, theater

Project 365 8-27-2010 Hollywood & Hobbits.

*NOTE: I know these are SUPER late!  Rene & I moved & it took forever for us to get internet up & running.  So between here and 9-13-2010 these entries are going to be brief.*
I had a very busy day today.  I ran up to L.A. to meet with some of my networking friends and then ran back down to O.C. to see “The Hobbit” playing at The Maverick Theater.  The play is excellent, see it while you can, and the meeting was fun, Happy Hour with gourmet appetizers!  I was wrestling with which picture to use for today and originally I was going to post this one:
It’s the really cool laptop case that one of my associates brought to Happy Hour, but I decided on this instead from the bathroom of an Anaheim El Pollo Loco:
Why that one?  Because it’s stupid and sometimes we all benefit from being reminded that stupid people do stupid things on the walls of public places.  I would like to make special mention of the misspelling of “faget.”
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, project 365 2010, rene, theater

Project 365 7-23-2010 Tired…

Business lunch, business calls, business everything.  The day on the whole came down as a wash, but next week is looking good.  Even though I can count the day as a wash it started with a healthy set-back, but that set-back helped to focus a few directions that I hadn’t considered before as well as reminding me of some obvious solutions that were always available, but not always affordable.

I’m done thinking about this today so I’m moving on.

Tonight Rene and I saw “The Producers” at The Maverick Theater and it was REALLY GOOD!  If you can get tickets (they’re selling out fast!) I highly recommend it.

After we talked to our friends for a bit and ended up being out later than I thought.

Today’s picture is a tired me:

Naturally I forgot to get out the camera when all the good stuff was happening, but this was the result at the end of the day.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, project 365 2010, rene, theater

Project 365 3-6-2010 Pizza and Our Town

The day was typical for a Saturday until the evening.  Our plans were set for a show at the Long Beach Playhouse to see “Our Town” starring our friend Leslie Rivera.  Before tonight Rene and my only experience with “Our Town” was the episode of Growing Pains where Mike Seaver got a standing ovation and then went with his “Emily” to audition for the big city production.  Dawn Wells, Mary-Ann from Giligan’s Island, guest starred on that episode as the snarky casting assistant.

Before the show Rene and I got dinner at La Rizza’s Pizza House on 7th Street in Long Beach.  It’s been there for almost 50 years (50 years this June)!  We have eaten there one before and have kept looking for reasons to go back.  In its 50 years a slew of famous people have come by to eat.  Their names are emblazoned in cardboard and laminate over the appropriate booth or table.  Today’s picture is of our table placard: Elvis sat at our booth!

The salad was good, the garlic bread was good, and the pizza was good! It was really good! Good, good, good!  Also I was introduced to, what I am told is a major phenom, Full Throttle Saloon a reality show on Discovery.  It’s about a guy who owns a biker bar and all the characters who surround him.  There is a lot of pixleated nudity on that show.  It was surprising.

Then we went to the show!  We were surprised to see that it was a three act play with two intermissions.  I don’t remember that on Growing Pains!  We met up with other friends of ours at the show and had a good time.  Now that I have seen “Our Town” I can say that I have seen “Our Town” and that, at least, broadens my horizons of the play beyond a snarky Dawn Wells.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under project 365 2010, theater

Lebensraum: Two More Dates!

Hey folks! Lebensraum is a great show. We are getting great response and were given a standing ovation this past Sunday. On a even better note – the show is selling well. You should come see this show. You should also get your tickets early to make sure you can see it.

For $10 a ticket it’s some of the cheapest entertainment out there right now and it’s in the heart of Downtown Fullerton so it makes it very easy to make an evening of it.

You can see me beaten to death, fall in love, harass an old man and play an old woman – are you curious yet? For those of you who may not know yet, this show is about what might happen if Germany invited 6 million Jews to return to Germany, to live as citizens and try to make up for the Holocaust. Three actors play over forty characters as the play explores all the different possibilities that might happen if this were to occur.

Tickets are available now! Hope to see you there!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, performing, theater

Bloggy McBloggington

I have been meaning to fit in a review of a few comics for the last few days. Needless to say I have not gotten it out. Although some of you may have noticed that the labels for my last post were still there from when I thought my post about “Lebensraum” was going to be my review post. I think I’m going to wait until Friday to do that one now. A new issue of Iron Man comes out Wednesday and I’ll be getting it Friday.

Now off to bed!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, general, performing, theater


I’m in this play and would love for you to come see it! Tickets are available now! Hope to see you there!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, performing, theater