Category Archives: performing

Squirrel – Coming Soon!

I did this movie last year. We shot at Aldworth Manor in late September and October. It was a gorgeous location and such a great time with a great team. I’m very grateful to have had this experience and I’m REALLY excited for you all to see it!

Follow these accounts for more details:

HCT.Media Squirrel Movie Instagram

Of course there’s still my Twitter, Instagram and Fanpage which will also have details as they become available – so follow those today!

Shameless plug:

If you like t-shirts, hoodies and coffee mugs I suggest you check out our merch in ourĀ SHOP.

And of course I’ll be posting updates here as they happen.

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, blatant plug, career, film festivals, filmmaking, Hollywood, horror, independent film, making movies, movies, new projects, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen 2.0, performing, projects, scary, scary movies, shameless self promotion, work

Fun Video Friday – Bye Felicia: The Music Video

Rene and Curtis Bye Felicia Costume Shot


Early in the year Rene and I were invited to participate in a secret music video shoot.

It was for a new television show whose first season was just ending.

The video was for the special features on the DVD.

We were sworn to secrecy…


Above – an image of our costumes for the shoot.

Below- the video itself.

Side note: This is the only thing in history where I purposely have facial hair and might be the only thing that ever does.

Also, my wife’s dance moves are pretty slick.

And yes, that’s her in bed with Matt McGorry.

And I was in the room… watching.

Special shout out to director Charlie Visnic for including us!

Here’s the video:


Filed under acting, actor stuff, fun video friday, news, performing, television, TV, video, videos, YouTube

March Madness: The Post Mordem

I forgot to do my blog about the March Madness show last week!

We lost.

That’s for all of you that just wanted to know how we did, there’s your answer. We put up a good fight, and making it to the second round with both Sebastian and I being first year Shmimprovers is actually a great accomplishment, but we could not beat The Candidates, Sean and Drew. They ended up winning the whole shebang so I feel even better knowing that it took this year’s champions to take us out.

I was going to post our second opening, but it turns out the only file I have is SIX TIMES too big for upload. If I can get it smaller I’ll edit this post and pop it in.

Some of the highlights, which will be posted on, included a game of toppers between Drew and myself where we traded low blows as we played out a scene as Austrian ballet dancers,

our opening game of Debate Team where we argued the benefits of hankies,

and Sebatian and Sean’s game of Evil Twin which ended up just being evil.

That’s the bare bones of the event. When the videos are up I’ll let you know!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under Improv Shmimprov, performing

I Can Say A Little…

I know I’ve been cryptic about the projects I’ve been working on. I know some of you saw my Facebook/Twitter update yesterday and it got your brains going. I didn’t mean to be so vague, but I was really excited. It would have been very irresponsible to have said anything yesterday, but after today I can say a little. Probably won’t answer all of your questions, but at least I can say a bit.

I’m making a movie. A slasher movie to be specific. Now this probably doesn’t come as a great shock to anyone seeing as how that is exactly what I’ve been trying to do for the last few years, but today was the first production meeting for the slasher I’m making with my buddy Zeke. Today we met with about half the crew and one of the leads to get everyone on the same page and start the pre-pre-production! It was really, REALLY, cool! To answer some of the questions I think you’ll have:

– No, this is not a sequal to Stupid Teenagers Must Die!
– No, I’m pretty sure I won’t be in this.
– It will probably be out next year.

We start shooting in July and when that happens, trust me, there will be frequent updates both here and at the new Wiggy VonSchtick blog.

This isn’t the only thing in the pipe. Rene’s documentary is on track as well and she and I are also working on a western. It’s shaping up to be a good year!

That’s about as much as I can say for now. Title, cast and synopsis will follow later. Right now I have to do more work on Photoshop for the March Madness show this weekend and get ready for the final performance of Lebensraum. Busy week, busy week.

Talk to you soon!


Filed under movies, performing, Wiggy VonSchtick

Lebensraum: Two More Dates!

Hey folks! Lebensraum is a great show. We are getting great response and were given a standing ovation this past Sunday. On a even better note – the show is selling well. You should come see this show. You should also get your tickets early to make sure you can see it.

For $10 a ticket it’s some of the cheapest entertainment out there right now and it’s in the heart of Downtown Fullerton so it makes it very easy to make an evening of it.

You can see me beaten to death, fall in love, harass an old man and play an old woman – are you curious yet? For those of you who may not know yet, this show is about what might happen if Germany invited 6 million Jews to return to Germany, to live as citizens and try to make up for the Holocaust. Three actors play over forty characters as the play explores all the different possibilities that might happen if this were to occur.

Tickets are available now! Hope to see you there!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, performing, theater

Bloggy McBloggington

I have been meaning to fit in a review of a few comics for the last few days. Needless to say I have not gotten it out. Although some of you may have noticed that the labels for my last post were still there from when I thought my post about “Lebensraum” was going to be my review post. I think I’m going to wait until Friday to do that one now. A new issue of Iron Man comes out Wednesday and I’ll be getting it Friday.

Now off to bed!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, general, performing, theater


I’m in this play and would love for you to come see it! Tickets are available now! Hope to see you there!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, performing, theater