Category Archives: Improv Shmimprov

Fun Video Friday: “Show Me That” Pokemon Battle


The one thing I can say about re-branding yourself and becoming a “startup” is that you find all kinds of things as you troll through your social media and online accounts. Let’s say you are going through your YouTube page so you can re-brand the channel. You may find that there were some videos you had forgotten about, like this one from an Improv Shmimprov show many years ago. Heads up – maybe a little NSFW and if the kids are under 13 you might want to watch it first.

Let’s see what else we can find this weekend!

See you next time!

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January 23, 2015 · 9:11 am

Team Half-Ass – Out of March Madness, but we put up a hell of a fight!

Last night was the 3-way battle for the finals in Improv Shmimprov’s March Madness and it was a doozy! Enrique and I had a really strong show and we were able to walk away feeling good about how we did – even if we didn’t take the overall win. also, our video played without incident last night! for those of you weren’t able to attend here it is for your viewing pleasure:

See you next time!

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Filed under actor stuff, funny, improv, Improv Shmimprov, video, YouTube

Team Half-Ass 2014 – The Video That Wouldn’t

Last night Team Half-Ass pulled a win in the annual Improv Shmimprov March Madness competition! Enrique Munoz and I are the only returning team and we utilized that continuity to great effect in our intro video, but for some reason the video didn’t work at the show. Yeah, no idea why.

So, here it is, for your viewing pleasure, Team Half-Ass 2014 week one video:

See you next time!

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Filed under actor stuff, funny, Improv Shmimprov, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday… A Couple Days Late

I totally forgot to do Fun Video Friday this week. I guess Athena’s commercial kinda’ counts, but only in that it’s a video and the kids looked like they were having a good time eating cake.

This is more along the lines of what I had intended for Fun Video Fridays. Also, this video is not perfectly safe for work and definitely contains language you probably don’t want the kids to hear.

I present to you the intro video that Enrique Munoz a couple years ago. It had a super hero theme and the whole intro in the beginning about how we decided to do the video? Yeah, it’s all true. He was just starting his comic book store and I was working all the time so it came down to this last day that we were able to shoot and here are the fruits of labor.

See you next time!

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Filed under fun video friday, Improv Shmimprov, NSFW, videos, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Shmimprov & Pokemon

For today’s fun video, in what could become a weekly segment if I remember to do it, I’m bringing back a classic bit featuring improviser Jesse Moriarty and myself as we show you the Pokemon battle that didn’t make it to the cartoon.

Due to language this may not be perfectly safe for work.

Jesse is a very funny guy and a wonderful comic book artist. I’d post you places to see his work, but I don’t know of any and a Google search produced nothing but his personal Facebook page, and I don’t know that he’s going to want screaming fans hounding him with friend requests.

Hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!

See you next time.

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, blatant plug, Improv Shmimprov, videos, YouTube

March Madness! No, not that one.

After a long absence, Nick McGee and I played in the March Madness Tournament for Improv Shmimprov.

March Madness, for those who may not know, is an internal Shmimprov competition where valiant two person teams of Shmimprovers battle each other to see who will be deemed funniest this season. We do it in March and want to ride on the coattails of the basketball thing, so it’s called March Madness.

It is customary for each team to come up with an extravagant introduction to open each show. Usually it comes in the form of a video. Last year Enrique and I did this one:

This year Nick and I had about a week to be able to put something together. Unfortunately this was, quite possibly, the worst week to try and do anything. Between Rene and my show schedule and Nick and my work schedules we came up with a cool idea, but no time to execute. So, in true improviser fashion, we improvised a scene on stage and utilized the wonderful Action Movie FX app on my phone!

Originally it was intended that if we won the first round this video would play as the intro for next week – and then we’d do another one, but we didn’t so I’m posting the video.

See you next time!

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, Improv Shmimprov, videos, YouTube

Updates and Show Schedules

Labor Day Weekend was phenomenal and Rene and I kept very busy – so busy, in fact, that we neglected almost all of our social networks! Well, I did at least. Rene was a bit better about it. If you’ve visited her Twitter feed then you pretty much know all that has happened this weekend.

All that aside, there are shows coming up and what good is a blog if not for shameless self-promotion?

I’ll be doing Improv Shmimprov during September, but will be taking a bit of a hiatus for the rest of the year, so these next few shows will be your last chance to see me until 2013, assuming we all survive the coming zombie apocalypse that the Mayans predicted in 1984 with the coming of Nimbutu the 10th shadow planet.

Improv Shmimprov:

  • Saturday September 8th
  • Friday September 14th
  • Saturday September 22nd
  • Saturday September 29th
All shows are at 11pm at The Maverick Theater 110 E. Walnut Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831 and cost $5 at the door. More information is available where you can also get the Shmimprov app for your iPhone or Android or subscribe to the Shmimcast, the official podcast of Improv Shmimprov.
Rene is doing a new murder mystery show and shows start THIS WEEK!!

You can see her at the San Diego Old Spaghetti Factory by making reservations here: 619-233-4323

Here’s what she’ll look like:
And here’s the flyer with details for upcoming shows:
There are more show dates, I’ll post when I have them.
Talk to you soon!

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Filed under Improv Shmimprov, music, new shows, rene, shameless self promotion, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

How About A Schedule? OK!

There’s been a lot of Iron Man on the blog and it has been some of the most popular work I’ve ever done here – which I really happy about and grateful for! But I know that there are some of you who just don’t care about that. Maybe you’re more interested in the movie stuff or my up coming performing schedule?

Well if it’s performing schedule you’re looking for then here you go!

These are the dates that I will be performing with Improv Shmimprov at The Maverick Theater 110 E. Walnut Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831.

All shows are at 11pm, unless otherwise stated, and cost $5 at the door.

  • June 8th
  • June 9th
  • June 16th – At The Brea Improv  120 South Brea Blvd. Brea, CA 92821  
  • June 22nd
  • July 14th
  • July 28th
You can get reserve seat tickets for shows at The Maverick Theater for only $11 by visiting
I’ll have another blog soon with all the production updates, but in the mean while come see some shows!
My Shmimprov Roast looks like it will be in early August – if you’ve ever wanted to see a whole bunch of people tease me mercilessly that’s the show you want to come to!
Also, in the interest of shameless self-promotion, I wanted to share my social networking links just in case…
  • Facebook Page
  • Twitter
  • Tumblr – I’m still new to Tumblr and not quite sure what I’m going to use it for, but come check it out!
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, Improv Shmimprov, shameless self promotion

When did folding laundry become bourgeois?

Or maybe it didn’t. All I know is that I should be doing that and not writing this, but I’m very determined to maintain my daily writing, even if it interferes with other tasks. I’m sick. Not so sick that I’m debilitated, just sick enough that I’m producing a great deal of snot that ends up filling my throat and stomach. That’s actually worse then the whole being sick thing.

I have “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” on in the background as I fill out paperwork and make phone calls. It’s a later season marathon and the big bad is Dracula. It’s really good! The more I see of Joss Whedon’s stuff the more I like it.

I’m still working on the blog that I mentioned in The ShmimCast. I’m hoping it will be up tomorrow.

Now I must go!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under general, Improv Shmimprov, rambling

New Vids, Kickstarter, ShmimCast & Noticing a Slowdown

Hello friends, followers, lurkers and stalkers! August 2nd marks the day that I publicly state that I’m going to get back to daily posting. For what it’s worth.

This is mostly selfish. I’ve noticed that since my blogging has gotten lackadaisical I have had a significant dropoff in readers. That’s no good! I like you guys! I look forward to your comments, messages and Tweets so I clearly need to maintain my side of the deal better. I also want to let you know that not ALL my posting will be Shameless Self Promotion and Plugs. There will still be SOME, but I’ll be getting back to what this blog was developed for – writing practice.

But let’s get the plugs and stuff out of the way.

New Story Time with Ray! He’s writin’ poems!

The Kickstarter Campaign! We are making The Cheerleaders Must Die! and we need your help.

The Cheerleaders Must Die! Official Fan Page. Like it!

OK, there we go. Next up!

I have been learning, against my will, how to code websites. It’s like math class in junior high all over again. Except harder.

The coding itself isn’t too bad, it’s logical and as long as you pay attention it’s hard to make any real mistakes, but navigating the different control panels between different companies – especially those where the HELP CHAT IS NOT WORKING – is frustrating, aggravating and, especially for me, momentum killing. So far, as long as I can find the section I need to work on, I’ve been doing alright. I’ve had a great deal of help from friends Scott Sanford, computer genius, and Amy Dallen, a cy-curious genius (get it? CY-curious?! like CYBER-curious?!?! I KILL me!) without who I would be treading the computer equivalent of water. Still stuck on a couple key things – my email still isn’t redirecting correctly (sorry if you’ve tried to send mail there) and our main domain for TCMD! isn’t resolving – but they are getting worked on as I write this.

I should let you know that I’ve been away from this blog for a while. I’ve lost my writing momentum and this is stream of consciousnesses writing to try and get back on track. Not sure that it’s working.

Have you listened to my latest episode of The Shmimcast? It’s gotten some very positive reviews and I think it’s not too bad. totally worth a listen!

I surrender. Here’s a picture of me with a muppet:

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under cheerleaders must die, Improv Shmimprov, new media, new projects, news, rambling, Story Time with Ray, video, wiggy webs