Category Archives: fun video friday

Rose City Comic Con 2018

Last weekend I went on assignment to Rose City Comic Con for Panda Mony Toys. We are releasing our first action figure line next year and we are looking for cool shows to visit. Rose City was pretty great! Here’s a video of my adventures:

If you like t-shirts, hoodies and coffee mugs I suggest you check out our merch in our SHOP.

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Filed under adventures, career, comic books, comic movies, Disney, doctor who, fan fic, fanboy, fiction, fun video friday, Game of Thrones, geek, Han shot first, hobby, horror, iron man, judge dredd, Jurassic Park, kids, Lego, Marvel, pop culture, rambling, sci-fi, star wars, super-heroes, the future, toys, travel, video, videos, Wolverine, work, working for a living, YouTube

Happy Friday the 13th!

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is here and while you can learn the real history of Friday the 13th here, I’m instead going to shamelessly self promote with videos!

I love the original Friday the 13th movies – always have since I was a kid. They are campy (pun half intended), bloody and the first four are actually pretty scary. They were the inspiration for the slasher movies I helped to write and make and if I see them on Netflix it’s pretty easy to click play. I made a video about some of my favorite horror things as a content test for the first year of Fun Size Horror. We dropped the concept, but I still have the video. So in honor of Friday the 13th I leave it here for your perusal:

Also if you’re following Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen then you may want to check out some of the latest additions to the playlist:

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Filed under fun video friday, videos, YouTube

Videos About Fall & Halloween


The wife had a good idea for a video this year about California’s lack of significant seasonal change. She wrote a great blog about it HERE but if you just want to see the video you can see it below:

And last year I did a short for Fun Size Horror based on a short story I wrote called Bloody Mary. Since it’s the right time of year you can see that below:

Happy Halloween! Be safe and have fun!

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Filed under Andelon, blatant plug, comedy, creativity, directing, filmmaking, Fun Size Horror, fun video friday, Halloween, scary movies, videos, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Bye Felicia: The Music Video

Rene and Curtis Bye Felicia Costume Shot


Early in the year Rene and I were invited to participate in a secret music video shoot.

It was for a new television show whose first season was just ending.

The video was for the special features on the DVD.

We were sworn to secrecy…


Above – an image of our costumes for the shoot.

Below- the video itself.

Side note: This is the only thing in history where I purposely have facial hair and might be the only thing that ever does.

Also, my wife’s dance moves are pretty slick.

And yes, that’s her in bed with Matt McGorry.

And I was in the room… watching.

Special shout out to director Charlie Visnic for including us!

Here’s the video:


Filed under acting, actor stuff, fun video friday, news, performing, television, TV, video, videos, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Shia LaBeouf, Murderer

Fun Video Friday Update

There are things a person can say about Shia LaBeouf. If you were a fan of Even Stevens then perhaps your memories are warm and fuzzy. If you are a Transformers fan maybe you forgot he was in those movies because explosions (although this “montage of no’s” is pretty funny).  He did some very good work in the Sia video for “Elastic Heart” and there have been some real legs on the student film project that has become Shia LaBeouf’s Inspirational Speech, but this piece from Rob Cantor has been stuck in my head since I first watched it.

I now pass this earworm on to you. Share it with those you love.


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Filed under fun video friday, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – Bats vs. Crocodiles!

Fun Video Friday Update

I don’t know that I have a lot to say about this other than BBC nature documentaries are far more exciting than I thought.

For more you can visit the creators at their YouTube channel: Blackhawk


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Filed under animals, comedy, fun video friday, video, YouTube

Fun Video Friday – It’s a Laser Gun!

Fun Video Friday Update

Real Genius was one of my favorite movies when I was growing up. It was in rotation with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Buckaroo Banzai: Across the 8th Dimension, and Clue. The primary McGuffin for Real Genius is that they are trying to make a super laser that, unknown to our heroes, will be used by the military to assassinate foreign targets from space.

In the 80’s that was science fiction.

Now kids are building the proto-version of that laser in their garage.

I present to you, on this fine Friday, a demonstration of a laser weapon that may not be powerful enough to fill a house with popcorn, is powerful enough to strike fear in the hearts of balloons everywhere.

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Filed under awesome, fun video friday, movies, video, YouTube


Fun Video Friday Update

It’s been a rough week post Memorial Day week so I’m glad to post something that can make people laugh. I’ve featured videos from Bad Lip Reading before – but it never hurts when you add Iron Man to the mix.


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May 29, 2015 · 8:00 am

Fun Video Friday – The Fermi Paradox: Animated

Fun Video Friday Update

Are we alone in the universe?

That’s a good question. Probably not, but there’s no evidence for it even though the math says that it’s possible. This is known as the Fermi Paradox and this week I’d like to share a great animated video from Kurz Gesagt – In a Nutshell.

So, what do you think? Will we ever make contact with intelligent life? Drop your thoughts in the comments.

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May 8, 2015 · 8:00 am

Fun Video Friday – I Believe in a Thing Called Love

Fun Video Friday Update

A friend once said, “You know a good song when you can play it on an acoustic guitar around a bon fire and it still sounds good.” I subscribe to that idea and would expand it to say that a good song can survive new arrangements in new styles as well. The folks over at Post Modern Jukebox are regularly doing this with popular songs. I’m not the first to find PMJ (as the kids call them), they’ve been posting great versions of pop tunes for years and they appear regularly in pop culture and geek blogs. In fact they are going on tour! I’m not getting paid to bring that up, I just like in supporting cool creative things.

Back to the song…

Permission to Land was my favorite album of 2003… and 2004… and most of 2005 and ’06. It’s a solid, fun, driven rock album and was the perfect anthem for my late 20’s. “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” is a song I still love to listen too even though I’ve heard it thousands of times. The New Orleans version below gives it a different kind of energy that still fits the spirit of the song and it never hurts to have a strong female voice driving a song.


And here’s the original:


What are some of your favorite tunes? Pop some links in the comments.

See you next time!

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May 1, 2015 · 8:00 am