March Madness: The Post Mordem

I forgot to do my blog about the March Madness show last week!

We lost.

That’s for all of you that just wanted to know how we did, there’s your answer. We put up a good fight, and making it to the second round with both Sebastian and I being first year Shmimprovers is actually a great accomplishment, but we could not beat The Candidates, Sean and Drew. They ended up winning the whole shebang so I feel even better knowing that it took this year’s champions to take us out.

I was going to post our second opening, but it turns out the only file I have is SIX TIMES too big for upload. If I can get it smaller I’ll edit this post and pop it in.

Some of the highlights, which will be posted on, included a game of toppers between Drew and myself where we traded low blows as we played out a scene as Austrian ballet dancers,

our opening game of Debate Team where we argued the benefits of hankies,

and Sebatian and Sean’s game of Evil Twin which ended up just being evil.

That’s the bare bones of the event. When the videos are up I’ll let you know!

See you tomorrow!

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