Project 365 4-17-2010

Every day is turning into a series of tasks that need to be completed and I’ve been spending all of today just completeing those tasks:

  • Pack/ship eBay stuff.
  • Pay bills.
  • Do laundry.
  • Review contracts.
  • Fist fight a bear…

Wait, not the bear part.

A nice little bonus for the day was getting this, today’s picture, from Rene:

Even though a majority of the wedding in now planned, it’s easy to forget just how much there is left to do!  Speaking of which I should probably do our website at (no link yet – since it isn’t done yet!).

See you tomorrow!

1 Comment

Filed under business, project 365 2010, the wedding

One Response to Project 365 4-17-2010

  1. Color choices decided…so cute!! Love the names… Sangria and Clover!

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