Project 365 8-12-2010 Crepes & A Cut

Had a bit of a change in plans, which is never bad as far as I’m concerned.

Unless it is bad, then it’s very upsetting.

But today was not upsetting, it was exciting!  Since my morning was suddenly free I visited my friend Dean’s house where he was hosting a brunch which consisted of crepes, both sweet and savory, and roasted potatoes and coffee and mimosas.

I’m not a very big fan of mimosas, but the coffee was very good, as was the food and so was the company!  Had the extra bonus of seeing a filmmaker friend of mine unexpectedly!  We were able to talk shop and swap some contacts, always nice to do.  And I got my haircut.

But the highlight of my day that wasn’t connecting with good friends was when I got a picture text from my director Zeke:

Apparently the Wiggy logo is making the rounds!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, food, friends, making movies, project 365 2010, Wiggy VonSchtick

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