Project 365 4-23-2010 Let the Registry Begin! of Unleash The UPC Scanner!

 Today was the first trip for wedding registration!  I really like this part of the wedding planning – it’s like shopping with no limits!!! 

Tonight we took part in the “Sip & Scan” event at Macy’s Home.  They have food and drinks (not the adult kind, though, due to a new restaurant in the building.  Dammit!) and all kinds of experts to show you the different kinds of cookware, juicers, coffee makers, cosmetics, bedding, flatware…  The list goes on and on! 

Personally I’m a big fan of the kitchen stuff.  When I have a kitchen full of equipment I like to make good use of it.  As we look for the place we want to live we are getting more and more excited about having a kitchen personalized with our stuff.

The best part, for me, is using the scanner.  See something you want?  Scan it!  Won’t scan?  Scan it again!  Still won’t scan?  Manually enter the number – it’s cool, there’s a keypad!  It’s like playing lazertag with home furnishings!

Today’s picture is me with my drink and my scanner:

Rene said I looked menacing.  I think I look determined and mischievous.

On a total side-note we saw the iPad at the Apple store while we were at the mall.  No, I did not register for it.  I know people are excited about this thing, and I kind of get it.  It’s a big iPod Touch, but it’s heavier than I thought it would be and it’s $500.  I can see myself really getting into a device like the iPad, but the iPad itself just seems like a Apple fan-boy toy that will probably be really cool in a couple generations, at least in my opinion.  iPad users tell me what you think in the comments.

See you tomorrow!

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