It has not been a particularly target rich environment for photography today. I’ve had work to do, writing to be exact. In fact, as I write this, I have received notes on the first pass and a suggestion to wait until a different piece of the proposal is finished before going to a second pass because it may change the tone of the one-sheet.
It’s ok, there’s plenty to do. The photograph I have selected for today shows all of the items that have been very important today: my phone, computer and iPod.
The Phone: My phone is my life-line to everything I do. Even though it rarely leaves my side, I’m still behind on getting back to people.
The Computer: Especially right now, I do as much writing for business as I spend time on the phone so the computer is essential. Also, today is the day I re-install my drive back-ups so all of my info will be back on the healed desk top. It’s a good day for the desk top.
The iPod: Ever since I got iTunes set back up I’ve been downloading my podcasts again. I had 111 podcasts built up since December 5th. I’ve been listening my ears off trying to catch up, but it makes work go by easy.
I have to get ready to teach for tonight and I’ve got a meeting set up for tomorrow so I’m going to go finish stuff up.
See you tomorrow!