Category Archives: advocate

Denver, Belfast, & Why I Want You To Care About A Dead Dog

On July 11th a dog named Lennox was euthanized in Belfast, North Ireland. Why? Because he resembled a pit bull which violates the Dangerous Dog Act 1991 in the United Kingdom.

He wasn’t a pit bull, He RESEMBLED one.

He was seen by a dog warden when she was dropping off the registration papers and tags for all the dogs in the household and that dog warden decided that Lennox looked like a dog was was restricted by the Dangerous Dog Act 1991, a pit bull.

Lennox was forcefully taken away from his owners, imprisoned in inhumane conditions for two years, inspired a worldwide campaign to save him, but ultimately he was put down by the Belfast City Council the morning of Wednesday July 11th without letting the family say goodbye, returning his collar or returning his body.

For an owner of a loving and gentle pit bull, like we are, this is one of the scariest stories I’ve heard since I read about the way Denver and Miami-Dade handled their dog bans.

The links above will take you to the specific stories, there is far too much for me to try and re-type, but let me give you the over riding arc here: Breed specific Legislation means that people can and will come into your home and take your dog regardless of the pet’s actions. This is why the battle cry of anti-BSL groups is “Punish the deed, not the breed.”

I can’t even imagine what I would do if someone tried to take Frankie away from us. It is something that gets me enraged just thinking about it. And this weekend I watched as a co-worker was questioned by animal control to see if her two pound Yorkie was a threat. Animal control said that there doesn’t even need to be proof, once an accusation is made they need to investigate and if there is a second accusation they may euthanize the animal. This is horrifying.

There are a lot of things that are going on in the world right now. The middle-east is destabilized, fast food companies are the center of social protest and the U.S. election is being turned into a fundraising mockery. As our lives get more and more global, it becomes more important to make sure you are involved and educated on a local level. I can’t expect all of you who read this to understand or want to help, but this is me doing my part to raise the red flag – Breed Specific Legislation doesn’t work. Take a stand for good dogs.

Links to why BSL doesn’t work:

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Filed under breed specific legislation, Frankie, politics

Starting the Year Off with Advocacy!

Here is a great 10 minute movie about the history of pit bulls.  History, stigma and real profiles of real dogs.  Check it out and comment.

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Filed under advocate, causes, Frankie, pit bulls

Project 365 8-31-2010 Razor Burn.

*NOTE: I know these are SUPER late!  Rene & I moved & it took forever for us to get internet up & running.  So between here and 9-13-2010 these entries are going to be brief.*

It is a little known fact that my skin is pretty sensitive – especially when I shave.  It’ the major reason why I do my best to only shave once a week and probably connected to the very reason I can have only once a week and not look like a mountain man – I grow facial hair like a 4 year old.  So I used a less than fresh razor and my face looked like this after:

Here’s hoping it heals quick.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under body issues, day in the life, medical, project 365 2010

Bad Rap

As many of you know Rene and I have a pit bull, Frankie, whom we love very much. He is a wonderful dog who is a member of a breed of dog that is unfairly persecuted due to the poor owners. We do a great deal to help re-educate people about the facts regarding, not just pit bulls but also dog attacks in general and why responsible pet ownership is so important.

To continue that trend Rene has shared a new blog with me that I think is worth sharing along with the following video.

Dogs are dogs. They were all bred with something in mind. Let’s not forget that poodles were bred as hunting dogs, wiener dogs as a way to chase rats and other small rodents and bull dogs to, literally, help wrangle bulls.

Here is the blog BadRap

And here’s the video:


See you tomorow!

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Filed under breed specific legislation, Frankie, pit bulls, politics, social commentary

The Tyra Show

When you work from home you get the opportunity to have the television on as you work. I used to turn it off, but I found that I lost track of the time so much easier when I didn’t half-hour/hour long shows to show me how time was passing. I’d listen to podcasts or Pandora and suddenly three or four hours would pass and I wouldn’t have nearly as much done as I hoped. I find that bad daytime TV, especially shows like Maury and Cheaters, are great as time monitors and, occasionally, you get some great mid-work moments like when Maury pulls out the DNA test and neither of the men that the girl brought on the show as the father of her child ends up being the father of that child. It’s horrible, but I’m not above schadenfreude.

However, when I work from Rene’s house, as I do from time to time, she does not have cable and I just leave the TV on one channel. Most of the day this is fine as background, until the Tyra show comes on.

I’m not a fan.

I don’t understand why this woman has this show. She is condescending, judgmental and regularly tries to force her opinions on her guests. Sometimes it feels like she brings people on her show just to point her finger and laugh.

I’m also not real big on how Tyra, a super-model and has been a super-model for most of her life, likes to try and play the “I’m a regular person” card. That is very frustrating. She makes broad moral judgements without any regard for her guests circumstances. I don’t like that. I can deal with, and used to really enjoy, hosts like Jerry Springer. They openly mocked their guests, but all of their stories were so extreme that even the guests could laugh at themselves, but Tyra takes on some very serious subjects and then applies only her myopic view on them. That’s just trashy television.

And the worst part is that her show is AMAZINGLY popular with teen girls. Very impressionable teen girls. At least for the most part Tyra rides her moral high horse, but when it comes to body issues and weight she sends two very different messages. On her talk show she is all about loving your body and being comfortable in your skin and “kiss my fat ass” but then you see her other show, America’s Next Top Model, and all they talk about is how fat a size 2 girl is and how a size 6 is a plus size model. How are these two messages supposed to jive?!?

Rene does a much better compare/contrast in her blog, but I saw Tyra’s show on teen pregnancy today and it just infuriated me. Now I feel better.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under body issues, grrr, TV