Project 365 3-3-2010 Movie and a Win!

Today was a long day that ended very well.  With everything that is going on right now in the TV and movie producing world (stuff that I, unfortunately, can’t discuss in full yet) I got a strong “win” today!  It got me really excited and made me feel pretty good.  I’m sorry to be so vague, but this is a public blog and most of the business I’m doing right now is better played close to the vest. 

That sounds so dramatic.

Speaking of drama, Rene and I went to Dean’s house to watch The Hurt Locker. Another Oscar nominee gets checked off the list!  We really enjoyed it.  I personally feel that it is the best directed film I’ve seen this year.  I don’t think that it’s the best picture, but damn it was directed well. 

After the movie the three of us had a long and hardy debate about whether or not it is harder now to be a parent than it used to be.  I found it exhilarating, Rene found it frustrating and Dean found himself not sure which side he’d end up on.  I love these kind of discussions.  The outcome of debates like this are irrelevant, it’s the exchange of ideas that matter – especially on a topic like parenting where none of the three of us have any practical experience. 

Originally I thought this would be the picture for today:

It represented the “win” of the day and had the load screen for The Hurt Locker in the background.  But after taking this picture of Rene:

I decided to go with that.  I just think it’s a cooler picture.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, project 365 2010, rene

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