Man, oh man I’m a little torqued at Blogger right now. At least as far as the Wiggy blog is concerned. If you click the link then you’ll notice that I’ve pointed to the WVS Prod. page because right now I can’t even log onto the Wiggy Blog! It keeps giving me a 505 message?! WTF?!?! Needless to say I haven’t posted any new blogs over there for the last two days, but hopefully that will be fixed soon. I actually have a catch-up blog written and waiting to be posted as soon as it is back up.
On a different note I’m going to start using my Facebook Fan Page more often so I hope you’ll pop over there and “Like” it if you haven’t already. Seriously, I know it just seems like a shameless plug site, but at the end of summer it will be my primary page. Word.
To wrap up here are this week’s Wiggy Webs videos! Subscribe HERE and watch below!
See you tomorrow!