I’m not even sure what exactly what to say about today, but it was busy. Had a strategy meeting in LA at Toast. Ate pancakes and turkey sausage. Went to a commercial audition for Subway. Didn’t eat anything there. Then headed south to spend some time with Rene and her nieces at Disneyland for their birthdays. Ate a coconut curry beef and rice bowl. In between was all phone calls and emails. Didn’t eat during much of that. Then I taught at the school. Had a Mountain Dew there. Last I came home and started writing questions for a meeting tomorrow.
There were a lot of really great things that I could have taken pictures of today, some of which Rene did get pictures of, but the picture that I have chosen for today is the last food I ate today: El Torito chips and salsa.
They represented the fact that I was actually home and didn’t have to be anywhere else today – and that was nice.
See you tomorrow!