Good Day. Shooting Day. Creative Day.

Today was a good day.

It wasn’t particularly extraordinary, but it was a good day.  

Today was the first day of shooting for “Enter the Wolf”, the show that we sold to Syfy, and Zeke was our man on the set.  I stopped by to check in and everybody, the crew, cast – everybody – were great!  I’m very excited to see how the rest of the week goes.

I was also doing a bunch of scheduling and paperwork for the documentary today.  That’s more of an experience than something that is interesting to write about, but it did take up a good portion of my day.

The thing that made the day truly “good” though was that I felt creative today – still do actually.  I had inspiration to write and images and new ideas popped into my head and I suddenly had a need to be in a book store.  Or a cafe with coffee and cheesecake.  Or a piano lounge in New York.  Or Tokyo.  Some place with atmosphere where I could pop open my Moleskine and jot ideas or a story or build the site map for the re-design of (which is what I ended up doing).

I have so many ideas flowing through my head that it’s actually hard to concentrate.  I’m listening to the Creative Screenwriting podcast right now so that my brain can focus as I write this.  Still I really want to get the ideas out.

I had a new idea for a novel today.  I’m trying to decide if I want to hand write it or type it.  I should also probably try and find out when I could make the time to write it.

These bouts of inspiration usually come when a win hits, and even though the Syfy show could still implode it’s still a pretty good win!

Today’s picture is of Hollywood & Highland when I was traveling between my two destinations today.  I’m hoping to make it to set again tomorrow so that I can post some behind the scenes pics on the Wiggy Blog tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, career, Enter the Wolf, making movies, musings

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