There seems to be no end to moving in. Rene and I moved back in September and here we are, mid-November, and out place still looks like we moved yesterday. I’m finally getting up the gumption to get everything put away and un-boxed. A lot of that comes from the fact that I’m selling off a bunch of crap I didn’t even realize I still had. Right now eBay is my best friend! I’m am so happy that my geeky 20’s can now be passed on to new 20-somethings who appreciate geeky stuff too!
And are willing to pay for it.
Speaking of paying for stuff – I’m all about movie budgets right now. I have completed an updated budget for the documentary we are working on – more about that on the Wiggy blog next week – and we have been asked to produce a $5million budget for CMD! I swear the little project that could just keeps getting bigger than we ever expected! Now I just hope someone will finally fund it!
I need to go sort books right now, some to sell and some to store, so have a great remainder of a weekend!
See you tomorrow!