3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean – The Avengers vs. The JLA

OK comics fans, it’s the battle royal! The subject of decades of debate! The reason for multiple super team ciphers at both DC and Marvel! The basis for at least one good mini-series!


We spent 3 minutes on it…
Comments on this are especially welcome because I KNOW we didn’t cover it all.
See you tomorrow!

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Filed under 3 minutes with curtis and dean, avengers, comic books, comic movies, geek, iron man, Wiggy VonSchtick, wiggy webs

One Response to 3 Minutes with Curtis & Dean – The Avengers vs. The JLA

  1. Ashlei

    I would pick Avengers, just because I’ve always been a fan. But JLA I’d awesome in it’s own right as well. I agree though, JLA now is not good at all, at least in my opinion. And what’s wrong with Batman?? :(( I’ve been a bit of a Green Lantern fan myself, which is why I haven’t watched the movie yet just because of what I’ve heard about it. I really really like Green Arrow too though. But most people don’t even know who he is.

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