Day 3 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen 2.0

Today started off strong! I went in and confirmed that my headshots were finally uploaded into my PNW casting account (that’s a long, dumb story not worth repeating) and got an audition from my L.A. agent for a really cool recurring role on a prominent genre series – THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I’VE WANTED EVER SINCE I STARTED O:TVCA THE FIRST TIME AROUND!!

So, I have preparations to do (maybe get a little coaching too) so that I can put my best performance forward on this.

It’s worth mentioning that typical advice given to the actor is to “book the room, not the job.” This is solid, sage advice that is often repeated and not as often heeded. It’s really easy to fall into the trap of wanting the job (or in some cases financially needing the job) but unfortunately your desire for a job has no bearing on whether or not you get the job. Your amount of control in an audition situation ends the second your performance ends. so it is your duty as an actor, as someone who wants to work, to do the best job you can each and every time so that casting has a reason to call you back even if you aren’t right for the role you are auditioning for that day.

I will be hanging on to this advice between now and when I submit my tape.

Something I keep forgetting to talk about is that I’ll be doing some classes up here in the PNW through my new agency Actors In Action. They have a studio in the arts district and it seems a crime not to use it. I’m doing a one-day intensive at the end of April and will mention that more as we get closer to the date. #ShamelessSelfPromotionIsComing

Things are starting to happen!

Here’s the playlist for April:

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Filed under acting, actor stuff, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen 2.0, video, videos, YouTube

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