I was just reading the news on my Twitter feed and it has been a strange day. Things are going well for René & myself, but if feels like the world is going a little nuts.
Yay for revolution in the Middle East & North Africa, but the situation in Lybia seems really tense. I saw earlier that Gadhafi might be dead but at the time it wasn't confirmed & I haven't seen anything since & now it looks like there's going to be "international response" & that sounds like code for "military response" to me.
I just read about all the Charlie Sheen/"2 & A Half Men" crap and, say what you will about Sheen, this sucks for so many people. A TV show is the livelihood for a lot of people, hundreds per show, and to see CBS shut down production will be devastating to all the crew. I just hope they were all told before the press release was sent out.
And to top it all off Don Knotts died today!
Weird day.
See you tomorrow.
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