I have a strong grasp on the art of theatrical auditions. For those of you who may be uninitiated theatrical auditions are for TV & film, not actually theater as the name implies – although that may be different on the East Coast, but I don't know.
As I was saying, I've got a pretty good grasp on theatrical auditions but when it comes to commercials… Well that's a different animal entirely. I've done my share of commercials in the past, some campaigns that were pretty big! Got to meet Destiny's Child and was hit by a poison dart for Coke Zero. I even got crushed by a large concert goer for Tombstone Pizza, but I've never been able to consistently book commercials like some of my friends – which makes me incredibly jealous!
Oddly enough I seem to be able to teach how to book commercials because a whole lot of my students book right and left. I'm looking into a few commercial classes for myself to try and hone my skills and try and make that happen for myself. If you know of a good class please drop a link in the comments.
See you tomorrow!
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