Getting Things Done!

Today was a really good day. I like to advocate the principals laid out in the book “The War of Art” by Stephen Pressfield. After my divorce I was pretty confused about which way my career was going to go and wasn’t sure what to focus on. My friend Jeff Garvin helped me out quite a bit by recommending the book. All of the ideas in it are pretty straight forward and seem like common sense, but it’s amazing how hard it can be to put them into practice. Today I beat resistance and really got a lot of stuff done! And along with those things came some of the fruits of my labor – which quite literally means labor in the form of jobs and even some possible movie funding on a film that I thought wouldn’t really start getting traction until the summer! I’m not sure that I had much of a point when I started writing. I really just wanted to share my excitement about what is going on and how today went.

Actually there is a point to all of this. I pay a lot of lip service to the idea that you can do what you love and make a living at it. Sometimes that can be a hard idea to defend when I spend a lot of time struggling to make ends meet myself, but today was the sort of day that reminds me that it can and does work out. It just takes that one day to get everything back on track. Sure I might not have a paycheck from it just yet, but I can use the word “yet” and be very confident that it will not change to “won’t.”

OK, I’m going to sleep now (hence the picture) so I can wake up fresh and try to have another day like today tomorrow.

See you then!

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Filed under career, general

One Response to Getting Things Done!

  1. How exciting! I find that reviewing your day and pointing out the goods parts right before bed can help one sleep better and dream more positively and profoundly. Sweet dreams! *^_^*

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