Category Archives: Panda Mony Toys

Alter Nation Nominated for Toy of the Year!


It’s been a while.

Yeah, I’m doin’ good. You?

I totally wrote that Signal-Above-The-Noise post months ago and then totally fell off the face of the earth. Stopped really participating on social media all together, with the exception of stuff I needed to do for Panda Mony Toy Brands, and even then I let our social media manager handle 99% of that. I just need to do approvals and then check the analytics every week. It is, by far, my favorite way to interact with social media at the moment (also, if you’re enjoying anything posted on my Instagram lately thank Rene, she has been on it posting for herself, Arlo and me and doing a hell of a job).

But something has happened, something I did not expect – my website traffic is starting to grow. A lot. Not sure why, but if people are coming then I need to have more than an old post here for them to visit. I mean, it’s the neighborly thing to do. You come visit I should at least produce some new content. And what better way to start than by telling you about HOW AWESOME ALTER NATION IS DOING RIGHT NOW?!?!??!?!??!?!?

We have been nominated for Action Figure Toy of the Year at the prestigious Toy Association Toy of the Year Awards! From their website:

Known as the “Oscars” of the toy industry, the Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards are presented annually to the top toys, games, and properties of the year. Administered by The Toy Association, the awards program supports the philanthropic work of The Toy Foundation, which delivers new toys to children in need.


You can help! Consumers are invited to participate and vote for their favorite toys HERE.

There’s a lot to catch you up on, so I’ll be writing more soon and trying to publish more often. In the meantime you can check out more about Alter Nation here.


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Filed under awesome, blatant plug, marketing, Panda Mony Toys, toys

Alter Nation Updates

There has been SO MUCH going on with Alter Nation the last month.

Well, longer than that, but this last month has been especially busy.

First of all, the toys have actually landed on U.S. shores! This means that toys are actually shipping to stores where you can buy them! That said you can still order them to come directly to your home HERE!

Also the first webisode has been released! It features lots of cool people, including Rene and myself. You can see the first episode here:

And you can subscribe to the Alter Nation channel to see new episodes as they are released HERE! New episodes release every Wednesday.

I’ll do better about keeping this blog updated. As if this wasn’t enough, there’s all kinds of cool stuff happening right now.

See you soon!


Filed under acting, awesome, blatant plug, marketing, Panda Mony Toys, projects, sci-fi, video, videos, YouTube

I wrote comics, you can read them!

One of the earliest projects I worked on when I started working for Panda Mony Toys were the mini comics that will be packed in with the figures.

I proud of these. They aren’t breaking crazy new ground in the world of comics, but they do what we set out to do which is teach people about the characters and the world of Alter Nation.

We are releasing them as a special preview over the next couple months in the comics section of the Alter Nation website.

Go check them out and if you like what you see buy some toys! We still have some cool exclusives available until mid-August.

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Filed under career, comic books, creativity, fiction, geek, Panda Mony Toys, toys