Your Author is Syndicated… And Not Just On TV!

Starting in late September articles from this blog will be syndicated on the new Create Your Life with Jenna blog by producer Jenna Edwards. For a long time now she has been helping people who have suffered trauma with her radio show and website, but now she’s moving in a new direction and helping people get connected with their creativity!

Not everything from the Super Blog! will be going over, but posts like Actor 101 and things that cover creativity and getting out there to “do it” will. They’ll be assembled according to theme so I’m looking forward to seeing how they will read in a new context along some of the other writers who will be featured. 
Of course you’ll always have access to my posts here, and a few things will stay exclusive like Project: Iron Man, but through the Create Your Life with Jenna site you may catch some of the early posts you missed!
I’m very excited to be a part of this. 
For more details go here: Create With
See you next time!

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Filed under new projects, super blog, syndication, writing

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