Valentine’s Day

I suppose, since it is officially Valentine’s Day, that I should do a post that is day appropriate, but when it comes down to it I don’t know that I have very much too say about it. There’s always the trusty Wikipedia page, but that’s hardly romantic.

What I keep coming back to, as I stare blankly at the plain white screen in front of me, is that I’m very happy to have my valentine, Rene Bordelon. Our story is long and varied. We used to date way back when in the late 90’s. We both worked for Disneyland and, long story short, the first time around ended badly.

Really badly.

Like, I-don’t-think-we’ll-ever-speak-again badly.

And a lot of time passed. A good seven or eight years.

Then MySpace was a thing. Do you remember MySpace? Here’s my old Myspace page. I’m shocked it’s still up.

Inspired by her friend, Rene reached out because she discovered this Jonathan Coulton song about Zombies:

She remembered I liked zombies and wanted to show it to me.

I liked the song.

We started talking again – but we were just going to be friends! We hadn’t forgotten how the last time ended so we were determined not to go down that road again!

That didn’t last long.

Soon we were dating.

Now look at us!

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I like to think that our story can provide a little hope for those feeling down about Single Awareness Day. If the two of us, who never ever thought we’d get back together could find each other again then there has to be some hope out there.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

See you next time!

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