This is not a blog.

I’m sitting on the couch exhausted.

The house could use some picking up. The dog could use a walk and a bath. There are a few dishes that would appreciate a scrub. And there is laundry that needs to be put away. But I’m not doing any of that. I’m writing clipped sentence fragments and being horrified by the commercial for the Smurfs movie.  Geez, that looks bad.

I got my newly re-ordered headshots today. They spelled my last name wrong. We sent emails back and forth correcting the name, but they arrived today with the wrong last name. I’ve fired off an email informing them of the situation and if I weren’t so tired I’d probably care a lot less, but it got me all annoyed.

There is no real point to this blog so I think I’m going to grab a nap.

See you tomorrow!

1 Comment

Filed under rambling, rant

One Response to This is not a blog.

  1. Okay, trying this again (the other one is floating around somewhere)~

    This sounds like a day around here. We’d like to have a week go by when someone didn’t misspell OUR last name.

    And, we like the shot below from July 1!

    Nice site!

    The Hensons (Tom, Sandy and Chloe)

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