Net Neutrality 2017

Photo: Act.Watchdog.Net

So we saw the FCC vote against Net Neutrality on December 14, 2017. If you follow me on social media (those links are here on this page) you know that this is an important topic to me for a variety of reasons, but mostly because the free exchange of information on the internet is so important. I wanted to put in one place several media items that I feel are fair and explain why Net Neutrality is important:

First and foremost this Twitter thread:

Click on it, read the whole thing. It gives context and background on why Net Neutrality is important.

Here is a video from Vox that also helps explain what may come next:

Here is popular YouTuber CP Grey explaining why the internet needs defending:

If you have 153 minutes you can get a full breakdown of the actual law via this podcast:

CD163: “Net Neutrality”

And, because it’s super popular and easy to watch, John Oliver:

Net Neutrality is NOT regulation AGAINST innovation. It IS a level playing field in an ever expanding market.

Have a different thought on this? Let’s hash it out in the comments.

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Filed under activism, internet, net neutrality

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