Mobile Blog A Couple of Days

My brain is cruising at a mile a minute. There are lots of things going on all at the same time and this week is so full that I've had to exercise my time management skills to the fullest – and they really aren't that strong in the first place. A few "in person" meetings have been turned into "conference call" meetings which helped a lot but the week isn't quite over yet.

The nice thing is that the meetings that I have had have been very good! Special thanks to Kimberly Rae Miller for taking the time to meet with René and I yesterday. It was great meeting her and it helped get René's documentary 1 step further.

However, right now, I'm reading and half watching the new SyFy show Warehouse 13. I kinda' like the show. I think the new SyFy name is dumb, even though I understand how important it is to be able to trademark something.

See you tomorrow!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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One Response to Mobile Blog A Couple of Days

  1. SciFi SciFi SciFi! “SyFy” is stupid! I mean really? They couldn’t come up with anything better than that? It’s a good thing I don’t watch that channel! 😉

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