Day 6 Operation: Television’s Curtis Andersen 2.0 First Saturday

Weekends are my days to be able to catch up on all the stuff that I cannot complete during the week. Working 12 hour days on my other jobs can mean that the weekends end up having some pretty long to-do lists in addition to all the other regular domestic responsibilities that go along with, you know, life.

That being said, I actually need to get on this to-do list.

One of the steps on that list is in regard to an acting intensive that I’ll be doing at the end of the month at the Actors In Action studio in the Alberta Arts District of Portland. This class will be four packed hours of character and script study. Since I’m doing this through my PNW agency enrollment is open to other talent in the agency first, then we’ll open up registration to the public. Naturally I’ll mention that here and on the YouTube channel.

Now that I’m done shamelessly self-promoting it’s time to go back to work.

Here’s the playlist for April:

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Filed under acting, Operation: Television's Curtis Andersen 2.0, videos, YouTube

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