Casting, Editing and eBay

This last week I have been a busy little beaver! I was casting a print ad for Traveler guitars – it shoots tomorrow – and in perfect Hollywood fashion it came right down to the wire to make sure we had the talent we needed on time and on budget.

Result: Success!

Another project that I’ve been working on – really longer than it should have taken – is the editing of a demo reel for one of my students. It should have only taken a few hours to edit, title and burn the whole thing, but it was shot on DV tape and it took me a week to find someone with a DV deck that wasn’t a full-fledged post house. After all was said and done the video did get transferred and it is sitting ready in the editing computer waiting to be finished. But it isn’t finished yet. It’s a primary goal for Tuesday. Special thanks to Zeke Pinheiro, Rodney Wilson, Scott & Liz Sanford over at Wazza, Inc. for helping me get the video free from its magnetic bonds and to Hannah and her parents for their patience.

Result: Fail! – So far.

Also my eBay sales have been blossoming! I’ve been shipping all of the sold products and should have the final international items sent by Wednesday! The only problem has been putting up new items. I have BOXES of all kinds of stuff waiting to get posted, but I’ve been too busy to take the pictures I need – those photos should be finished by the end of the week. eBay is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Result – Domestic eBay Sales: Success!
Result – International eBay Sales: Pending.
Result – New Posts: Fail!

Now I’m watching “Daisy of Love” and finishing up for the night. Why is this show so damn watchable?!?!?

See you tomorrow!

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