A Lesson on Screen Writing by Michael Tabb


I have the pleasure of knowing screenwriter Michael Tabb. Many years ago I tried very hard to get one of his scripts made, but it was during the darkest times of the economic meltdown and the funding was not secured. However that script has stuck with me as one those that “got away.” It was one of the finest movies about changing friendships that I’ve ever read. A few years later Michael helped out a friend of mine during a set of rewrites and I scribbled the notes that he gave down in a notebook I still keep on my desk. They still come in handy to this day.

So when I learned that Michael was writing a series of articles about screenwriting for ScriptMag.com I dug right in. His most recent article is about a character type that is one of my favorites:

The Antagonist

It’s a master class that is free on the internet so I hope you take advantage of it and enjoy it. Check out the other articles as well, it’s all good stuff.

See you next time!

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