Monthly Archives: June 2009

Mobile Blog What A Week!

Wow, I have not blogged in a while. This is not keeping with the "blog once a day" goal that I am trying to set for myself! I have a lot of comics to review (well, not that many really. I've dropped a few titles) and there are adventures to be discussed!

Unfortunately I will not go into them here just now. I couldn't possibly fit all the excitement and anguish that has gone along with finding movie funding in a mobile blog. Nor could I possibly convey how wonderful our visit was with our friend Skinny Arbuckle was this week. And could this simple mobile blog hold the calamity that was René's laptop crash!?!?! No!!!!!! It most certainly cannot! So I'm going to go now and start the make-up process tomorrow.

See you then!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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In today’s post I wanted to share my four favorite “literal versions of…” videos. For those of you who may not be aware of this phenomenon yet, these are videos where the song is re-recorded and the lyrics correspond to what is actually happening in the video. YouTube has a LOT of these, but not all of them are good. After watching them with Rene last night these are the four that I enjoy watching the most.


Filed under fad, geek, music video, pop

Mobile Blog The Tony Awards

René and I watched the Tony awards tonight as hosted by the estimable Neil Patrick Harris. I like the Tony's, it does a great job of featuring the art of the stage while putting on display the wild dramatics that go along with the culture of the theater.

I would like to send a special thanks to the sound guys in charge of microphones for the show tonight. During the whole show the mic work was, as they say in France, spotty. While it seemed surprisingly amateur for an award show telecast (although, to be fair, there have been some Oscar presentations that were equally rough) it did allow a rarely heard glimpse into private conversations that normally you see on stage but never hear. My favorite of these was as Jessica Lang presented the award for Best Featured Actor in a play. He came up to collect his award and, as the applause continued the mics were still hot. Ms. Lang congratulated him and mentioned that she saw the show, the recipient asked, before the mics were turned off, "Why didn't you come back stage?" It wasn't any major secret or scandalous comment, but it wasn't meant for our ears and I got a voyeauristic thrill hearing it. There were more all night, each one sending imp-like grins to my lips.

If there's anything that the Tony's does it inspires me to want to go back to New York. I waffle back and forth on wanting to live over on the east coast. New York is an easy city to love, I don't need a car, there's theater everywhere and it's a gateway to the world. But there's always thinking about leaving all of my friends and family behind, not having any job prospects out there and the fact that it is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The Tony's kills all the nay-saying voices and pumps up my excitement! Maybe at least a visit.

Now I need to go maintain my eBay account and get ready for a very busy week.

See you tomorrow! Forgive the spelling, please!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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So I read Entertainment Weekly, mostly on the can, and they sometimes point out things that I don’t normally find on my own. This is one of those things. Lady Gaga’s new video. Almost eight minutes long. It is narrative. We haven’t seen one of these in a while (at least that I can remember) and I think that it is definitely worth a watch. I like it. It’s possible that I’m reading more into it then is intended but it worked for me. Let me know what you think.


Filed under music video, pop

Mobile Blog Shocked Awake

I was asleep and just shocked myself awake. I don't remember what I was dreaming about, but apparently I didn't like it. I fell asleep with my TV on so maybe it was something on the news.

Now I'm awake but would much rather be asleep. I can't wait to read this tomorrow and see if it's even coherent.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


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Mobile Blog: Have I pushed too hard?

Today was a good and productive day. I was able to check off a lot of my list and mostly have a lot of reading left to do, but I am feeling a bit run down and worried that I may be getting a tinge sick. I have that back achy thing that I get and my breath is hot. These are signs that I always see before I actually get sick so I took some Zicam and am resting so as to not get any more sick.

Or it could just be allergies disguised as being sick, but I'm not taking any chances.

René and I saw "Up" today and REALLY enjoyed it! Those Pixar guys are really good at what they do and I'm so excited to see what Pixar boss John Lasseter does with DCA over th next couple years.

Well I'm going to rest for a while and see if I can't get some more work done later, but before I go I just want to thank everyone who commented on or has since discussed with me on my "Hate & Solutions" blog. That's the kind of debate that feels good and helps make some understanding happen.

See you tomorrow!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


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My Geekatude Returns!

If you are a regular reader of my blog then you have seen my comic reviews and know that I have a least a little bit of geek in my blood, but recently a old bug has started buzzing in my ear and I’m getting the urge to play Warhammer 40,000 again.

What is Warhammer 40,000 (or 40k as we gamers call it)? It is a table top war game, a cross between Risk and Dungeons & Dragons, where you have “armies” of little army men who fight across a table top war zone. The game has been in existence for almost 30 years and has a very rich background story and community.

I have had several armies over the years:

Space Marines: genetically engineered supersoldiers who are each as good as a squad of ordinary men.

Chaos Space Marines: the same supersoldiers, but warped by evil “gods” that live in an alternate dimension.

And my current army, the last one I was working on before I stopped playing back in 2006, The Imperial Guard: normal human fighting men with tanks and big guns!

I just pulled out my modeling stuff and my old guys. I’m going to be re-building this army and talking about the hobby aspect of it as I go. I hope that you find it half as interesting as I do.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under geek, hobby, warhammer 40k

Hate and Solutions

Rene and I saw “The Laramie Project” put on by Theater Out at The Hunger Artists Theater. For those of you unfamiliar with the play it was created in the wake of the Matthew Shepard Tragedy and was written by the Tectonic Project who conducted over 200 interviews in the city of Laramie, Wyoming of people involved in every aspect of the community and how they were affected by the events and all of the attention caused by it. It was a remarkable show and if you have the chance to see it you should.

One of the themes in the show is hate. Hate is a big deal. It’s been a big deal for a long time. It enhanced the violence in the Shepard crime, set back civil rights, led to the passing of California’s Proposition 8, and has lead to attempted genocide on almost every continent from Germany during World War II to the United States as we annexed the west to modern day Africa. Hate is easy, dirty and ugly. Because it is so easy often the first thing that people do to rally against hate is to hate the haters. In the end neither side is willing to listen and rather than any kind of dialogue or compromise we are just left with people yelling at each other.

I started this blog days ago, but originally left it unfinished because I wanted to think through what I was going to say and make sure what I wrote comes out how I intend it. Without realizing it this delay also meant that I was able to continue this blog after the decision was reached by the Supreme Court on Prop 8. The court was tasked to deem if the proposition was constitutional or not. They decided, in a 6 to 1 vote, that it was. They also decided that the marriages that were performed while gay marriage was legal shall remain legal and recognized.

Trying to keep in line with practicing what I preach I’m not going to rile against the people whom I consider ignorant and superstitious, but I do hope that people will truly consider just what it means to deny anyone a right due to random differences. It is unthinkable to most Americans now that women weren’t allowed to vote, that blacks had to sit in the back of buses and that Japanese-Americans were forced into internment camps. I hope with time that this becomes a sin of the past as opposed to a sin of the present and that the coming generations will see past the ravings of the ignorant and make decisions for themselves based on experience rather than dogma.

I’m getting myself upset as I type this so I’m going to stop, but I want all of you who feel that discrimination is wrong to help get the word out – discrimination is not a thing of the past. It is alarmingly present and if we truly want to see it come to an end then it is up to us, as individuals, to make that change.


Filed under prop 8, rant, social commentary