Category Archives: musings

Project 365 8-4-2010 Business Lunch Shows Me Art

You know what I got to eat today for lunch?

A lobster Cobb salad.

You know why I had a lobster Cobb salad?

Because my meeting was in Bel Air and in Bel Air you are either the Fresh Prince or you eat a Cobb salad with a sea spider in it. 

It is one of the benefits of my job that I get to do things like this.  Sure it’s frustrating, it’s nearly impossible to get anything financed and occasionally you run into some of the most UN-scrupulous people the world can offer, but a nice lunch with like minded individuals can make it all worth it.  Two of the finance guys that I met with today got their start as physicists – I had a meeting with rocket scientists who ended up in finance.  Apparently it’s not uncommon since it is easy for rocket scientists to do complicated math in their heads.  It was facinating.  We had an enlightening conversation about distribution and some new ideas about where to get financing for my projects (which was nice) and as we sat there I was in the correct seat to see this piece of art:

That fluffy thing is a dog and, yes, they are sharing a noodle.  Very Lady and the Tramp in a species co-mingling kind of way.  I saw this painting and first thought, “this has probably happened in this restaurant.”  My second thought was, “we are only a million dollars away from Rene and Frankie doing the same thing.”

Maybe not even a million dollars, might just be ten bucks.

Or a saw buck.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, Frankie, musings, project 365 2010, rene

Project 365 8-3-2010 My Dad Got an iPad

My dad got an iPad today.  My first reaction was that this made my dad more “cutting edge” than I am until we realized that his computer is too old for iTunes to work on so they needed my help to activate it and use it.

He has already started buying apps and he cannot wait to go out and get a bitchin’ cover/case for it.

He had the excited look on his face that is usually reserved for 6 year-olds on Christmas morning.  That was a pretty neat thing to see.  Growing up I have seen lots of people my age and younger really excited about gifts that really touch them.  Things like that stick with you.  I remember when I had ear surgery when I was a kid and I was stuck in-doors for about six weeks (I think); my mom bought me a metric ass-ton of G.I. Joe figures so I would have cool toys to play with as I healed.  I’ve never forgotten that first moment when I looked in the grocery bag and saw blister card upon blister card upon blister card of Joes all ready to battle Cobra.  But my parents always seemed to get their satisfaction out of seeing my sister and I happy, this was the first time that I saw him get something that 1) he had no idea he was getting and 2) it was something he REALLY wanted.  It made me excited for him!

Dad’s going to get a lot of use out of it pretty fast, he has business trips coming up over the rest of the year.  We’re figuring out how to get books and movies from iTunes and other online retailers and, really, he just likes tapping on it.  I was really impressed with the interface, I can see why these things are so popular.

Naturally the iPad is today’s picture:

Sorry it’s blurry, I wanted to get the screen and when it had the flash on it didn’t come out.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under musings, parents, project 365 2010, technology

Project 365 8-1-2010 New Phone!

Today was a little bit of crazy and I don’t want to jinx it so I’m just going to tackle one topic – I got a new phone!  And so did my mom, in fact it’s the reason I got my new phone.  See, she left her phone – which was my old phone from about five years back – in Indiana where she was visiting family.  When she came home she told me she wanted a new phone that had a real keypad so that she could text.

Yes, my mother is now a texter.

The nice thing is that I keep my phones forever sh she was already due for an upgrade and it turns out I was too!

My mom ended up getting an LG with a slide keypad that has a name I forgot and she was as happy as a fourteen year old girl at a Twilight screening.

I got the new Blackberry Bold!  I’ve been patiently waiting for this phone.  It’s sleek, smaller than my old Blackberry, has better software and the user interface, while technically the same, is easier for me to navigate.  Also it has the new optical track pad instead of the often troublesome track ball.

Oh, and I entered the 21st century and have a camera on this phone!  Rene, Dean and anyone else who ever noticed that my phone didn’t have a camera have been mildly hassling me to get one and now I do!  This is the first picture I took:

Isn’t he cute?!?!?!?!?!?!?

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under musings, project 365 2010

Project 365 7-26-2010 Where productivity meets stagnation?

Today was a very productive day.  We figured out details for the wedding venue, I was able to construct the “to do” list for this week, Rene and I were pointed to a way to save $695 on our wedding, I was able to find some new funding options for CMD!, I did laundry and I was even able to squeeze in a workout!  Sounds like a good day, right?  Yet I’m sitting here looking at the “to do” list and it is remarkably not checked!  I went from feeling accomplished to feeling like I didn’t do enough!

That’s the funny thing about me and lists.  When I make them it is usually to remind me to do things or buy things and when I do it’s because I know I have a limited time to finish it.  It also usually means that there are other things that are getting done taking the place of what is on the list.  I think I was a victim of “working off list” today. 

Oh, totally forgot, I also went grocery shopping:

Don’t mind the wine.  I’m house sitting for my parents.  These things may have been off list, but they were definitely important and the fact that I’ll have underwear tomorrow is all the proof I need that the day wasn’t wasted.

See you tomorrow! 

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Filed under day in the life, musings, project 365 2010

Project 365 7-24-2010 Show Time!

There were all kinds of shows happening today: Rene was doing a show at a casino somewhere out in BFE, I had a Shmimprov show and 7k was playing at The Back Alley Bar in Fullerton.

Honestly I was planning on just recounting the day/night, but I feel like that’s been happening in this blog way too much.  Part of the reason that I do this in the first place is to make sure that I write every day but I don’t want to just be writing about the day, I doubt that it’s interesting reading.  So I’m going to make an effort to be more open and actually WRITE in this blog, even if it means that some of the days pop up late.

Today’s picture is perfect for what I’m talking about:

Originally I was using it because I felt that my hair looked “cartoony” but in the picture it doesn’t strike the same effect.  It is ridiculously close-up, though, so every skin imperfection and detail is visible – heaven forbid you actually click on it and make it full size.

Here’s to a new direction!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under doing new things, musings, project 365 2010, rant

Project 365 7-15-2010 Getting Back On My Feet

It’s been a LONG time coming, but I’m finally getting back on my feet, like for real not just posturing, and it feels good!

There weren’t even, like, major changes that happened it’s just been little changes over time that are finally starting to bear fruit.

I was visiting the accountant today.  He was reviewing one of the business opportunities that I’m working on and all the news today was good or ways to make things better.

I liked that.

Even the couple set-backs that have popped up this week haven’t been as bad as they could be so here’s hoping that Friday delivers on all of its promise!

Today’s picture is of the faint rainbow that I saw at the end of the day:

It’s faint, but it’s there.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under business, musings, project 365 2010

Project 365 7-9-2010 Red Carpet

Even though I haven’t been on anything new since 2006 I can still be considered a bit of a minor celebrity so from time to time it happens that I am invited to events that involve a red carpet.  Tonight Rene and I went to see the premiere of a new comedy called Stan.  I was actually there to support a new project that I can’t speak on yet (there’s still stuff to work out which, by the way, is becoming my least favorite thing in general with all projects right now) and so there are photographs of me floating around the internet.

The premiere was held at The Academy’s Linwood Dunn Theater off of Sunset and Vine in Hollywood.  Because it is owned by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences there are Oscar statues everywhere!  Today’s picture of me next to one of them:

I’m not going to talk too much about the red carpet itself because there isn’t really all that much to talk about: you get your picture taken, somebody is usually taking video, the pictures end up on Wire Image and, if you’re news worthy, news outlets buy them.  It’s the vibe of the red carpet that is the interesting, if not completely depressing, part.

I’m going to try and talk about this as evenly and objectively because it is really easy for me to get flippant and glib and really snatchy when it comes to the over-all feeling at a red carpet.  With the exception of the people who are supposed to be at an event (cast and crew mostly) everyone else there who is hoping to get on the carpet is pretty much looking for publicity.  This includes both the people you would expect want publicity (celebrities) and those you’ve never heard of (wannabes).  Going forward I should make it very aware that I am NOT above these classifications.  For you “Sabrina” fans out there I might still be a celebrity, but to most of the rest of the world I pretty much fall into “wannabe” land.  I get it, I know it and because my lively hood isn’t completely dependent on everybody knowing who I am (although, frankly, it wouldn’t hurt) I’m just a little more immune to the effects of the carpet, if being immune means feeling REALLY out of place.  The worst thing about the carpet is the sense of desperation that permeates the air.  It really throws off the vibe of the whole room.  There are people who are there strictly to become famous no matter what the cost.  Let me be clear – the people I am talking about are not looking for artistic worth or to make a statement they want to be famous, just famous, and will go to virtually any length to achieve that goal.  It’s been a while since I’ve been on a carpet and it’s an easy thing to forget when you haven’t seen it in a while.  It really makes me uncomfortable and it sparks really awful instincts – instincts that the cattiest gossip monger would be proud of.  Of course being catty is just a defense mechanism.  There but for the grace of God go I should I ever take my eye off the ball.

The lie of fame is enough to blind even the most noble or intelligent of people.  It’s claimed more people than anyone would want to admit and it is showing no signs of slowing down.  As I stepped back into this aspect of the career I do it with a clearer head than I had over a decade ago when it seemed easier to do.  Thinking about it as a means to an end rather than as the end itself is a good way not to fall victim and I’m really glad to have Rene around to help keep me grounded.  All that being said it’s possible that there are going to be more of these events in my near future.  Hopefully all the work that is going into the project-that-cannot-be-named will pay off and I won’t be so out of place.  Even if it doesn’t it was nice to get back on the carpet again, warts and all.  Next time I’m getting Rene in pictures too, if she doesn’t mind.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under acting, business, musings, project 365 2010

Project 365 7-6-2010 Food Fail.

I’ve been so good about my eating.

Ever since my stomach flu a few weeks ago I’ve been very careful about what I eat and I’ve been off of soda and coffee, soda because it’s apparently very bad for you (and it hasn’t tasted right since I’ve been sick) and coffee mostly because of the horrible week of caffeine withdrawal that came from not drinking it on a regular basis.

But then came tonight.  I finished teaching at 8pm, picked up the camera for a new project at 8:30pm, had to stop at my post office box and left there around 9pm and then was on the phone in the parking lot with a colleague until about 9:30pm.

I was hungry and it was late.  I knew I was out of food at home so I’d have to stop and get something.  All the normal places I would have stopped at were closed.  I didn’t want to go to the grocery store and I had a craving – Western Bacon Cheeseburger.

I gave in:

We’ll see tomorrow if my system completely rejects it or not.

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under musings, project 365 2010, western bacon cheeseburger

Project 365 6-28-2010 The Road & Dirty Windows

I really need to wash my car!

Seriously, the dirt is starting to crust on it and I’m pretty sure that’s bad.

Well, maybe not bad, bad but having constantly dirty windows gets pretty dangerous.  I even clean them, almost daily, but something happens at night!  There must be extraordinary dew forming in the morning, but just enough to pool all the dust from the summer days on the windows of my car.  I was joking with Rene that I now have tinted windows just from the dust.

Today’s picture was intended to be an image from my typical commute home from the school and should look like this:

But when I took the first picture the flash was still on and it reflected off the windshield and looked like this:

That’s not just glare, folks, that’s filth.  I think a car wash and an oil change are in the cards for tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!


Filed under musings, project 365 2010

Project 365 6-24-2010 Brain Percolatin’!

Finally feeling better – not 100%, but definitely way better!

Now that I’m feeling better my brain has been going!  Rene and I were texting and the ideas were just flowing back and forth.  It was nice! 

As nice as ideas are, action is better and is usually the thing lacking between dream and goal. 

I’m making goals.

Today’s picture is of my head:

Ideally there would be a cartoon cross-section of my head showing my brain and little images of all the ideas that Rene and I were talking about – but there aren’t so you’ll have to use your imagination.

I’ve got work to do!

See you tomorrow!

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Filed under musings, project 365 2010, rene